Deçan Monastery
The Dechan Monastery was built in the first half of the XIV century. According to the inscription carved on the architrave of the south portico in the narthex (entrance) of the church, it was built between 1327-1335. The monastery of Deçan is located in the valley of the Lumbardhë river in the municipality of Deçan, west of Kosovo. The church, reaching a height of 32 m with its dome, was known as Deçan i Lartë (i lartë = high) during the Middle Ages. The exterior architecture of the church is a mixture of Romanesque and Gothic styles, while the interior is covered with a combination of traditional drawings of Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine style. The monumental monastery is a basilica with a three-nave narthex and five naves covered by a dome, resting on a pulpit. There are also two altars in the church. One is located on the north side of St. Dhimitri Church and the other on the south side of St. Nikolla Church. The chief architect of the Deçan Monastery was the master Fra Vito of Kotor, a Franciscan monk who decorated the monastery with many elements of Romanesque style. The Deçan Monastery is also rich in frescoes dating from the XIV century. The monastery has a rich treasure trove of portable exhibits of high museum value. Among these collections, special mention should be made of icons, manuscripts and different items used in religious ceremonies. The Dechan Monastery is part of the world cultural heritage protected by UNESCO. Based on its historical, artistic, social and spiritual values, the Monastery of Deçan, a cultural heritage property, was declared under eternal protection by the Kosovo Cultural Heritage Council in 2016.
Liturgy of the Eucharist